Keystone Professional Pharmacy has extensive experience managing pharmacies for hospitals, nursing homes, and government facilities.  If your hospital is looking to outsource its pharmacy services, but wants to keep the convenience of having the pharmacy on site, look no further.  Keystone will put together a package for you to staff and run the pharmacy at your location, and provide a specific line-item budget amount that will be contractually confirmed.

By using Keystone’s Pharmacy Management Program, you can take advantage of the following:

  • Assist with Joint Commission Surveys
  • Installation of narcotics cabinets
  • Implementation of system-wide automatic dispensing unites
  • Designs of Pharmacies and Pharmacy Work Areas
  • Remote Monitoring of Refrigerated drug storage
  • Design and implementation of formularies
  • Creation of Hazardous Medication Policies
  • Creation of Discharge Medication Policies
  • Third Party Billing Audits
  • Third Party Collections
  • Disaster Planning
  • And other program opportunities that Keystone Professional Pharmacy can provide for you!

Contact us for a detailed outline of what we can do for you.  Give us the opportunity to provide you with our complete scope of services to show you how you can save money, and simultaneously enhance service with Keystone!